Sparkle Paper Towels Review – Best Deal in 2022

Buying a package of Sparkle paper towels gives you enough cleaning supplies for several weeks.

But, since quantity doesn’t always mean quality, we’re going to go through every little feature that makes these paper towels such a good acquisition for our homes.

That’s the purpose of our Sparkle paper towels review, which is short, but very informative to clear any possible doubt you may have.

If you’re looking for great alternatives to your regular paper towel rolls, here’s one that should not go unnoticed.

Sparkle Paper Towels Review

Sparkle Paper Towels Review

The Sparkle Pick-A-Size package of 24 paper towel rolls is one of the best for many reasons. Here, we tell you some of them.

Sparkle Long Lasting Paper Towels

These paper towels are not the most expensive out there, but they are not cheap either. In this package, you get an amount of 24 rolls, which are equal or even more than 47 regular rolls.

Sparkle Long Lasting Paper Towels
Sparkle Long Lasting Paper Towels Size

Even though the price is high, we can’t complain. Each paper towel roll is quite large, offering a large number of sheets that will serve you well for many cleaning tasks. That means these paper towels are as efficient at the bathroom as they are pretty much anywhere else around the household.

Despite how you decide to use them, the towel rolls feature a 2-ply design that allows the sheets to absorb and clean efficiently while giving you the comfort your fingers need. Whether you use them to absorb water or to clean the countertops, the Sparkle paper towels won’t disappoint.

These sheets in every roll are not only large, but they’re wider than the regular rolls as well. You’ll be able to cover larger surfaces quickly without the hassle of having to break the sheets constantly as you throw the used sheets away.

After many uses, these paper towels have shown a great deal of resistance. Even when they’ve absorbed water, you’ll still have the opportunity to continue using them as you finish the cleaning, and there won’t be towel residue lying on the surface when you lift it.

The Sparkle paper towels are a blessing, and no one can take away all of its good features. And yet, why is it that they have such an unpleasant odor when they arrive? It is not a one-time thing either, as many other customers have complained about the same issue.

Still, that’s not something that should concern you very much, considering that you’ll probably use these paper towels to pick worse stuff.

  • 2-ply design
  • Wide sheets
  • Absorbent
  • Resistant to tear
  • Thinner than expected

Final Words

The Sparkle towels review has proven that, despite their minor discomforts, every roll in this package is a high-quality cleaning tool that could save you from a mess in a quick time.

For the next occasion, when you’re looking for new supplies of paper towels, perhaps you could give Sparkle a try and see what they bring to the table.